Bring your own device at Elderslie High School
All students in Years 7 to 12 are able to bring their own computing devices to school.
What is bring your own device (BYOD)?
Bring your own device refers to the policy of permitting students to bring personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets) to school, and to use those devices to access school information and appropriate applications for learning.
What are the benefits of BYOD?
Bring Your Own Device aims to improve students' learning experiences both in and out of the classroom. Elderslie High believes that students and parents should have the ability to choose technology that enables effective use of that technology within the classroom.
It can allow students to carry a device that students are familiar with and that has relevant educational software and applications. It will function on the school's secure wireless network allowing students to enrich their learning experience with relevant technologies.
What are the requirements of the device?
In order to have an effective BYOD management within the school it is necessary that all BYOD devices conform to minimum specifications. This is to enable all students, regardless of the device type they have purchased, to be able to work collaboratively in a class situation. Read the list of minimum specifications from the link below.
Do students have to bring a device?
No. While this policy is being implemented to allow greater flexibility in learning, it is not mandatory for students to all have their own device. Teachers will continue to have access to pool laptops that they can borrow to use with their classes. Student's participating in the BYOD policy will use their device and all other students will use the devices provided by the teacher.
What device should I get to be part of BYOD?
There is no one answer to these questions. At Elderslie High, we have adopted a ‘Middle Road Model' so that as long as your device meets certain minimum requirements it will be satisfactory. This will allow parents and students the flexibility to choose a device that suits their needs and will assist in your child's needs and ambitions.
It would be also important to keep in mind that the DEC's provision of Adobe software to students for free will require a Windows or Macintosh laptop device.
What help is available at school?
While the TSO is onsite and can help with issues connecting to the school's wireless, we are unable to provide hardware, technical support, charging and maintenance for the BYOD devices. Teachers will not be familiar with every type of device and software program, so students will need to take responsibility to know the functions and features of their device.
As a school, we also can not accept any liability for the theft, damage or loss of any student's device. Students who bring their own devices onto school sites, do so at their own risk and would encourage parents to consider an extended warranty and insurance for the device.
As a parent what do I need to do?
Below are a list of actions that we would like parents to be aware of to ensure that the BYOD policy is implemented successful.
- Ensure that the device that is to be brought to school meets all the requirements of the device specification. A device which does not meet the specification may not nor be able to access the school network and services.
- Sign the school's BYOD Agreement, acknowledging the expectations of the use of the learning device and consequences for misuse.
- Be aware that all internet activity is recorded and may be used in investigations, court proceedings or for legal reasons.
- Promote good habits of using and securing the devices each day by encouraging students to use a sturdy storage case, back up all files on a regular basis and charge the battery on a nightly basis.
- Encourage students to keep the device secure while at school by not leaving their bag unattended.
What do students need to do to start participating in BYOD?
For students to be able to participate in the BYOD program they will need to:
- Read and sign the Student Agreement Form that outlines how the device can be used at school.
- Return the Student Agreement Form to Mr Ackhavong in the Library so that he can check that the device meets the minimum specifications and he can connect you to the school wireless network.
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