Elderslie High School

Excellence honour service

Telephone02 4658 1110


Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

The welfare team promotes:

  • a supportive and safe learning environment within the school.
  • PBL or Positive Behaviour Learning (This underpins both welfare and learning within Elderslie High School)
  • The school merit system which encourages students to participate and achieve their personal best. The system also recognises participation and excellence across the school in all facets of learning and in extra curricula activities. Students receive recognition with merit cards which they hand to their assistant Year Advisers for collection and verification. There is a tiered system of merit levels and recognition which is acknowledged bi-annually at Recognition Assemblies.

The welfare team 2025

Head Teacher Wellbeing, Learning and Support - Ms C Needham (On Leave)

Relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing, Learning and Support - Mrs P Garner

Deputy (9 and 12) - Mrs J Amos

Relieving Deputy (7 and 10) - Ms E Siope/Mr M Sambuco

Deputy (8 and 11) - Ms N Martin

Deputy Support and Inclusion - Ms Natalie Robinson 

School Counsellor - Ms C Thorne & Ms J Cifuentes-Post

Superviser of Female Students - Mrs P Garner

Year 12 Student Adviser - Ms M McEvoy

Year 12 Assistant Adviser - Mr L Cockburn

Year 11 Student Adviser - Ms Kristen Cutajar (Monday- Wednesday)

Year 11 Assistant Adviser - Mrs Donna Castillo (Thursday-Friday)

Year 10 Student Adviser - Ms G Borland

Year 10 Assistant Adviser - Ms S Last

Year 9 Student Adviser - Mrs M Bright

Year 9 Assistant Adviser - Mr A Scott

Year 8 Student Adviser - Mr W Goodsell

Year 8 Assistant Student Adviser - Ms M Santos

Year 7 Student Adviser - Ms N Kwasniak

Year 7 Assistant Adviser - Ms Bianca Dempsey

A Student's Year Adviser is often the first point of call about any welfare issues. Please do not hesitate to contact them. With matters about individual subjects please contact the individual subject Head Teachers.


Elderslie High School adopted the Stymie platform in Term 4, 2020 as a way for all students to report any cases of bullying, whether they were impacted directly or were aware of it occurring to another student. Each week during DEAR, all Rollcall classes are reminded of the website and encouraged to use it to report their concerns.